Welby apologizes to Ghana Anglicans

On October 26 Justin Welby issued a statement, Archbishop of Canterbury’s statement on Ghana’s anti-LGBTQ+ Bill, in which he said:

I am gravely concerned by the draft anti-LGBTQ+ Bill due to be debated by the Ghanaian parliament. I will be speaking with the Archbishop of Ghana in the coming days to discuss the Anglican Church of Ghana’s response to the Bill. … On numerous occasions the Primates of the Anglican Communion have stated their opposition to the criminalisation of same-sex attracted people…. I remind our brothers and sisters in the Anglican Church of Ghana of these commitments.

We first a reported on the Ghana House of Bishops support for the Bill here: Ghana’s Anglican bishops support draconian anti-gay bill.

Welby has issued a second statement which the Church Times reports on here: Welby apologises for Ghana LGBTQ+ pronouncement.

The Archbishop of Canterbury has apologised for not speaking directly to the Ghanaian bishops before issuing his statement last month….

Archbishop Welby’s [new] statement leaves it unclear what position the Anglican leadership in Ghana will take as the Bill progresses through the legislature. His quotation from Resolution 1.10 omits the fact that it rejected “homosexual practice as incompatible with scripture”, and could thus be cited in support of aspects of the Bill.

Emphasis added.

Welby’s latest statement is here: Archbishop of Canterbury’s statement following a meeting with the Archbishop, bishops and senior clergy of the Anglican Church of Ghana.

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