Weekend Roundup for October 1st

How can it be October already?!? The PB has COVID, Hurricane Ian pummels Florida and the Carolinas and ERD responds, plus a priest goes on a Jeopardy winning streak and so much more. It’s our weekly roundup of news from around the church.

In the Episcopal Journal and Café this week

Hurricane Ian: Florida Episcopalians begin to assess damage in Florida and South Carolina

Western New York Parish Going To the Dogs

Episcopal and Anglican dioceses of South Carolina reach settlement agreement

Episcopal priest’s ‘Jeopardy!’ win streak ends in the fifth game

Episcopal Church

Presiding bishop tests positive for COVID, asks for prayers

Trans religious leaders say scripture should inspire inclusive congregations

The National Cathedral has already raised $115 million of the $150 million needed to complete essential repairs stemming from the 2011 earthquake.

Bishop’s Corner

The Rev. Douglas Scharf consecrated bishop in southwest Florida

Diocese of New York announces slate for election of a new bishop

Anglican Communion

The church of England butted in to stop Desmond Tutu’s daughter, an Episcopal priest, from leading a funeral for her godfather at a private home because she is married to a woman, they did say it was ok to sit in the congregation though. NY Times

The Anglican Church of Canada should continue to focus on providing pastoral care to people who are considering medical assistance in dying (MAID), not on opposing the law, says Archbishop Linda Nicholls, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada.

From England’s Church Times (behind a paywall)

Arch-conservative Diocese of Sydney, in Australia, claims “breach of fellowship” with rest of Australian church.

‘For those in peril on the sea’: new windows to tell a different story about Bristol, center of UK’s slave trade.

To raise money for a music center, St Mary’s, Attleborough, in Norfolk held a non-stop hymn marathon where 29 organists played all 847 hymns from Hymns Ancient & Modern

Other Interesting Items

Our spiritual lives would grow if we could step beyond the false notion that God arranges our circumstances.

“The Dying Church?”– Thoughtful essay on church decline and what our response should be

image: The Rev David Sibley on Jeopardy

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