Coronation date set for Charles III, Louisiana parish keeps bringing the music, a milestone reached in Brazil, plus lots more; it’s our weekly roundup of news and stories from around the church.
In the Episcopal Journal & Café this week
Welby, on Australia tour, addresses indigenous issues
After school shooting, Uvalde church offers property for child grief counseling
Three Tennessee Bishops Issue Joint Statement Calling on Episcopalians to “Vote Yes on 3”
All Episcopalians Invited to Participate in Choosing the Next Presiding Bishop
Episcopal artists interpret ‘Praying the Hours’
Episcopal Church
Celebrating Indigenous People’s Day instead of Columbus Day is gaining ground across the Episcopal Church
Anglican Communion
The Anglican Episcopal Church in Brazil celebrated a milestone recently when for the first time, a female bishop ordained a female priest. Bishop Magda said, in an interview; “For me, presiding over the Rite of Priestly Ordination of a friend, sister and colleague in the ministry was a beautiful and emotional moment.” Here is the report from ENS and here’s the full article in Portuguese
Anglican Communion Standing Committee conclude “hopeful and uplifting” meeting
From Westminster Abbey: Coronation date for Charles III set for Saturday 6th May 2023
From the UK’s Church Times
May be behind a paywall
Archbishop of Canterbury in Australia: Church is shamed by past and present divisions
‘God does not trickle down his love’: Bishop of Durham criticises Government’s economic plan
Russians ‘closing Protestant churches’ in Ukraine
Parishes in the News
Covington, LA parish continues decades long tradition of Third Sunday Concerts
Other Interesting Items
Speaking to the Soul author Rosalind Hughes’ poem at Earth and Altar
An interesting short article from NZ’s Bosco Peters on the mystery of what day, historically,Jesus died.
A “new” letter from Screwtape looking at the issue of bullying in church, from Ian Paul’s blog, Psephizo
An article on how church leaders in the global South participated in and led a movement in opposition to LGBT+ inclusion on the Anglican Communion
Image: The Rt. Rev. Magda Guedes Pereira presiding at the ordination of the Rev. Selma Almeida Rosa