Weekend Roundup for November 19

Consecration at the Zulu coronation, creation care gets a financial boost, and nearly a hundred years of waffles funding outreach in Ohio, all this and more this week in our roundup of news and stories from across the church

From EJ&C this week

Ban on choral singing based on flawed evidence, study suggests

Dog blessing leads to explosives-detection training at New Jersey church

Episcopal Church announces 2022 Creation Care grant recipients

Pronoun pins communicate a radical welcome

Episcopal Church

Presiding Bishop to visit Charleston, SC for special service at opening of the International African American Museum. Post & Courier

Chicago priest accused of fraud, money laundering while director of Kansas foster care non-profit. ENS

Central Florida canon banning same-sex marriage emerges as issue in upcoming bishop’s election. ENS

National Cathedral to host seminar with U2 singer Bono. Cathedral.org

Parishes in the News

Parishes in Western Pennsylvania lead effort to relive 1.68million in medical debt in local region. thealmanac.net

Dayton Ohio parish holds 92ns annual waffle sale to fund outreach ministry.WHIOTV7

Local leader shares experience at Chester, PA revival service. Chesterpablog

Anglican Communion

Anglicanism’s connection to royalty isn’t limited to the UK, bishops in South Africa are also an important part of the consecration of the new Zulu king. AnglicanChurchSA.org And this is the link to the archbishop’s sermon (today’s image)

Canadian archbishop opines that the churches which chose not to participate in the recent Lambeth Conference (Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda) have effectively chosen to no monger be part of the Anglican Communion. Anglicanjournal.com

Other Interesting Items

Scott Gunn at Seven Whole Days writes a reflection on the collect for Proper 28 (last Sunday)

Derek Olsen at St Bede’s Blog offers a great short overview on the who, what, where, when and why of the Bible

Jody Stowell at ViaMedia writes of being an evangelical and an ally

image: The Most Revd Dr Thabo Makgoba, Primate of Southern Africa at the coronation of MisuZulu Sinqobile kaZwelithini as King of the Zulu Nation (YouTube)

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