Weekend Roundup for Nov 12

Another round of heated debate over marriage equality in England, the church has a seat at the global climate conference, Westminster Abbey gears up for Christmas plus so much more; it’s our weekly roundup of news from around the church.

In the Episcopal Journal & Café this week

Episcopal delegation resumes in-person engagement at U.N. climate conference

At COP27, Welby says the planet ‘is near the point of no return’

Episcopal Church announces 2022 Creation Care grant recipients

Episcopal Church hosts call to prayer on Election Day

Episcopal Church

Excitement in New Orleans as the Presiding Bishop prepares to visit. My New Orleans

Parishes in the News

In a short Letter to the Editor, a Georgia parish calls on it neighbors to work together to address the challenges of climate change. Statesboro Herald

New Mexico priest reflects on the prayer from Compline that asks God to “shield the joyous.” Los Alamos Daily Post

Five months after three members died in shooting, Alabama church processes grief and rediscovers joy. ENS

Presiding bishop joins 150-year celebration of Anglicanism in Puerto Rico. ENS

Marriage Equality in the Church of England

Echoing what already happened here in the Episcopal Church, the recent CoE’s bishop of Oxford’s statement in favor of marriage equality (in last week’s roundup and HERE) has drawn numerous, depressingly familiar, responses especially from voices opposed.

Ian Paul, at Psephizo has a critique

Vaughn Roberts at Latimer Trust has a much longer critique

Angela Tilby at Church Times thinks the solution is a second class rite for LGBT+ followers of Jesus

Peter Carrel at Anglicans Down Under asks a deeper question, “How might the teaching of the church change?

And at least two of the bishop’s colleagues, in Worcester, have spoken up in support

Anglican Communion

In England, a relic of St Chad has this week been placed in a new altar shrine at Lichfield Cathedral, the gift of the RC archdiocese of Birmingham and St Chad’s Cathedral. Church Times

Westminster Abbey plans to host the Royal Carol Service on December 15th and you can watch! Westminster Abbey

The CoE’s House of Bishops recently met concerning LGBT+ marriage and released materials called Living in Love and Faith

Other Interesting Items

Yolanda Pierce at the Christian Century asks, Who will love the ugly things in life? Who will love the people considered to be ugly? And can our feelings of disgust and distaste for the ugly keep us from fully walking in the will of God?

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