Weekend Roundup for July 9

We’re pretty focused on General Convention here, but that doesn’t mean the rest of the world stops, here’s our roundup of items from the past week.

General Convention

Check out our General Convention Coverage
July 7 https://episcopaljournal.org/gc80-ready-and-set/
July 8 https://episcopaljournal.org/general-convention-overview-day-1/

You can also watch it live (or catch recorded sessions later) at the GC Media Hub https://media.episcopalchurch.org/video/

Episcopal Church

The Pension Fund releases its annual report https://www.cpg.org/global/about-us/newsroom/annual-reports/

Anglican Communion

Canadian Primate meets Pope Francis as Roman Catholics look to Anglican model of synod. https://anglicanjournal.com/primate-meets-pope-francis-as-roman-catholics-look-to-anglican-model-of-synod/

From the Church of England, should creation care be a more prominent part of the baptism rite? https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2022/8-july/faith/faith-features/confirmation-of-a-conversion

The CoE is also gathered on General Synod, you can check out the roundup of stories from Church Times https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/topics/general-synod or from Thinking Anglicans https://www.thinkinganglicans.org.uk/general-synod-8-to-12-july-2022/

Other Items

Order of Nuns linked to Mother Theresa forced out of Nicaragua due to Catholic Church’s opposition to authoritarian government policies. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-62076784

image: President Jennings at General Convention (Scott Gunn/Deputy News)

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