Weekend Roundup for July 16

Lots of reactions to General Convention, but Lambeth is just around the corner, it’s our weekend roundup of news from across the church.

General Convention

From the Episcopal Journal
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3 part 1
Day 3 part 2
Day 4

Interviews with the outgoing and incoming Presidents of the House of Deputies from Deputy News (video)

Gay Clark Jennings (outgoing)

Julia Ayala Harris (Pres) & Rachel Taber-Hamilton (VP)

Other GC takes

Bosco Peters from New Zealand https://liturgy.co.nz/episcopal-church-shows-nz-a-way-forward

From Bishop Knisley (a former Episcopal Café contributor) https://entangledstates.org/2022/07/13/general-convention-80-dispatch-2/?fbclid=IwAR271PMydNUNPMI99dluriAx7jpHSnh5fSFx41aD7i8r5qPV3oouKmDRhLM

From Scott Gunn, who heads Forward Movement https://www.sevenwholedays.org/gc80/

Two takes on the redefined prayer book
From Earth and Altar https://earthandaltarmag.com/posts/lqy21hsf0rm4jbgdfn87t08o170lnr
From Patheos https://www.patheos.com/blogs/whatgodwantsforyourlife/2022/07/the-end-of-common-prayer/?fbclid=IwAR2D5nSNkGOuX-sVplgkThti81773Sw00sF_6yhxE-ZEocFuP9bK-o8HuDo

The Washington Post did a story about the resolution to examine the church’s role in Indigenous boarding schools https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2022/07/15/episcopal-church-study-its-role-federal-indian-boarding-schools/?fbclid=IwAR2WvsZMLy3mwzKnd2ONNimq1ciFunJDNrgcDBH6IWaLLnNsOyfHY9HQxwU

Lambeth Conference

Global south bishops gear up for push against marriage equality at upcoming Lambeth Conference https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2022/15-july/news/world/global-south-to-push-for-a-reaffirmation-of-lambeth-110-says-archbishop-of-south-sudan

Bishop’s Corner

Peter James Lee, retired bishop of Virginia has died https://www.unionleader.com/news/religion/peter-james-lee-longtime-episcopal-bishop-who-played-a-role-in-consecration-of-nhs-bishop/article_f0a85e70-3879-59e9-864f-64e6cb9451d0.html

image: Julia Alaya Harris after her election to General Convention/Office of Public Affairs

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