We are back from our Thanksgiving break and hope everyone had a good holiday and a blessed start to Advent. This week, the Florida do-over vote is again challenged, Archbishop Canterbury globe hops, and the little church in the old west town of Tombstone finds a spirit of revival; it’s our weekly roundup of news and stories from across the church
From the Episcopal Journal & Cafe
Wisconsin dioceses launch cooperative ministry
Florida Bishop election do-over challenged
Advent for Every Body: An Aural Advent Calendar
Episcopal Church 2021 report shows membership decline but increased giving
In Do-Over Election, Florida again elects Charlie Holt as Next Bishop
Ban on choral singing based on flawed evidence, study suggests
Parishes in the News
Parishioners at a North Carolina parish celebrate their Scottish heritage. Dailyadvance.com
Florida parish offers a multi-sensory worship billed as an exploration into the landscape of the soul through ancient prayers, live music, projected images, and a walking meditation in the candlelight. Parklandtalk.com
Historic parish in Tombstone, AZ (think Wyatt Earp and the OK Corral) finds a spirit of revival (today’s featured image). ENS.com
Bishop’s Corner
Diocese of Louisiana elects Shannon Rogers Duckworth as next bishop NOLA.com
The Episcopal Diocese of Colombia has received notification from Presiding Bishop that Bishop-elect Pastor Elías García Cardenas has received the required majority of consents in the canonical consent process detailed in Canon III.11.3. Office of Public Affairs
Anglican Communion
Archbishop of Canterbury meets grieving mothers displaced by war in Mozambique. ArchbishopofCanterbury.org
Interview with Archbishop Welby on his experience visiting Ukraine recently. Church Times
Kelvin Holdsworth, Provost of St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow reflects on the evolving situation regarding LGBT+ sacramental equality in the neighboring Church of England. Thurible.net
Other Interesting Items
Church historian Peter Matheson writing at the Otago Daily Times (NZ) Churches must rise to the challenges of the modern world
And Peter Carrell writing at Anglicans Down Under reflects on the Matheson piece above. NZ churches sliding, sliding, in bewilderment, into irrelevancy?
Elizabeth Felicetti ( A Café alum) writes at the Christian Century on the unique case of an aspirant to holy orders in prison. A very long discernment
Image: Arizona Bishop Jennifer Reddall and the Rev. Heather Rose (center left) pose with congregants in front of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Tombstone, Arizona. Photo source: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church