Weekend Roundup for Dec. 31st

Bishops of the Anglican Communion prepare for their group photo at the Lambeth Conference. Photo/Richard Washbrooke/Lambeth Conference

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Bishops of the Anglican Communion prepare for their group photo at the Lambeth Conference. Photo/Richard Washbrooke/Lambeth Conference

Diocese of Florida postpones its January convention as Bishop-elect Charlie Holt vows to support same-sex marriage and gay ordinands; date and location for the 2024 General Convention has been set and the child tax credit is on the agenda of faith activists: it’s our weekly roundup of stories from across the church.

In the Episcopal Journal and Cafe this week

Florida bishop-elect pledges to uphold LGBTQ rights, diocese postpones January convention

General Convention to be held in Louisville, Ky. in June 2024

Online art exhibit explores the ‘promises’ of salvation

Episcopal Church

Faith leaders urge US lawmakers to pass expanded child tax credit ens.com

The Episcopal Church: 2022 in review livingchurch.org

Parishes and dioceses in the news

Trinity Episcopal Church in Columbus and Diocese of Southern Ohio launch fundraiser for residents displaced by fire dispatch.com

St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Weirton, W. Va., celebrates 75 years theintelligencer.net

Diocese of Eastern Oregon plants path forward with Indigenous neighbors on 80 acres in Union County opb.org

Trinity Cathedral celebrates 150 years in downtown Pittsburgh wesa.fm

Anglican Communion

Anglican Church of Canada membership fell 10% each year in 2020 and 2021, data show anglicanjournal.com

The Anglican Communion: 2022 in review livingchurch.org

Word Religion News

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI dies at age 95 nytimes.com

All content ©2022 by the Episcopal Journal & Cafe

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Website design and management by J T Quanbeck.