Lambeth (of course), ERD on the spot, Haiti and more. It’s our weekend roundup of news and opinions from across the church.
Episcopal Church
Episcopal Relief and Development responding to natural disasters
-In New Mexico
-In Kentucky, Missouri, and Virginia
The Sound of Silence: Haiti and the Episcopal Church
Lambeth Conference
From the Episcopal Journal and Café
- Unity, not Division winning out at Lambeth Conference
- Message from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on Lambeth Call on human dignity
- Archbishop of Canterbury disavows efforts to sanction churches over human sexuality
- Queen Elizabeth commends Communion effort to address climate change
Guest Opinion: Thoughts on Cleaning Out the Lambeth Stalls
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry signs statement with Anglican bishops and primates affirming and celebrating LGBTQ+ people.
The GSFA (Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches) responds to the ambiguity around human sexuality with a statement calling for resoluteness in the face of increasing acceptance [Reminder: GSFA includes the ACNA and other groups working for schisms within Anglican Churches].
In case you are wondering about the meeting between Archbishop Welby and Sandi Toksvig (British Bakeoff co-host and LGBT+ activist)
-From Kelvin Holdsworth at
-From the Bishop Cranmer blog
Bishop’s Corner
Diocese of Virginia notified of successful consent to election of Canon E. Mark Stevenson as their next bishop.
Other Things
Breaking Up with Marilynne Robinson over her refusal to acknowledge the dark side of Puritanism
The Extraordinary in the Ordinary: Disability and the Experience of God
image: Monday Marshall, The Anglican Communion’s Director for Gender Justice joins the Women Bishops after their group photograph during the 2022 Lambeth Conference at the University of Kent in Canterbury, United Kingdom. Photo: Neil Turner for The Lambeth Conference.