Ubiquitous Light

Ubiquitous Light (A poetic reflection on John 1:9-14)

Readings for Friday, March 25, 2022 (Feast of the Annunciation): AM: Psalm 85, 87, Isaiah 52:7-12; Hebrews 2:5-10, PM: Psalm 110:1-5(6-7), 132, Wisdom 9:1-12; John 1:9-14

I’ve always found it curious

that the reading on this day

Is not the Annunciation itself.

wouldn’t it make sense

to tell the story again?


But then,

when I cock my head

and think on it a little,

I’m reminded this was no ordinary conception.

What was to come to Earth

in human form

had already been conceived

a long time ago

and it clearly takes a while

to find the person willing to bear God.


And even though

the human form of the Light

no longer walks among us

The “DNA”-

like human DNA residue

left behind on car seats,



and hairbrushes

has never left.



rather than to spend thousands of years again

to look for another single bearer

of such a thing,


In that clever divine wisdom God has,

God chose instead

to make the DNA so ubiquitous

we can’t help

but track it in on our shoes

and pass it along with our hands,

and aerosolize it with our breath.



In those times

that it feels like the dark is winning,

I need to remind myself

that the Light never really left

and it’s everywhere,

as ubiquitous as the dog hair on my clothes.


Maria Evans splits her week between being a pathologist and laboratory director in Kirksville, MO, and gratefully serving in the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri , as Interim Priest at Trinity-St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Hannibal, MO.


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