
(a poetic reflection on Luke 9:28-36)

Daily Office Gospel reading for Friday, October 14, 2022: Luke 9:28-36

I remember in 2018

on my first Camino

that very last long uphill slog

up the last big hill…

The Monte do Gozo

And the rather odd, but intriguing statue

That looked out over Santiago.

I didn’t understand its meaning

but that didn’t matter.

It still felt like a dazzling moment

that this guardian of the city

was somehow connecting me

to the hundreds of years of pilgrims,



yet hopeful and trusting in faith

that the expanse of the city below

would be enough to give me the strength

to go down the hill

and get to the place

where I would be at my journey’s end.

What I did not know in 2022

when I climbed that hill again

was that the statue had been removed

and the empty spot where it was

would be jarring and disorienting

and I felt more than a little surprise and sadness

That I was not making the trip down the hill

with The Guardian over my shoulder

and into the city

without past glory,

but instead…

with only my companions

in a new present moment.

I couldn’t help this week but wonder

as I was re-reading

Luke’s version of the Transfiguration

if Peter, James, and John

had hoped somehow

that Moses and Elijah

Were somehow going to connect all the dots

to make them part of all their past glory,

something bigger than themselves…

But instead,

they had to live with the reality

that their role was to walk back down that hill

alone with Jesus

in their own new present moment.

Maria Evans splits her week between being a pathologist and laboratory director in Kirksville, MO, and gratefully serving in the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri , as Interim Priest at Trinity Episcopal Church in Hannibal, MO.

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