This blessing is for you

This blessing is for you
You can find it in the reheated cups of coffee
The piles of laundry scattered around your house
Underneath lego creations and barbie shoes
On the basketball court, the recital halls, and the pool lanes

This blessing is for you
In your longing for peace
In the desire for rest and renewal
in the anger that clenches your teeth
In the broken pieces of your heart

This blessing whispers your name as you rock your baby
And comfort a scared child,
This blessing is there to comfort you
As you wade through paperwork
While you’re on hold with doctors and offices
As you sit next to your new driver

This blessing is there when you need the words to calm and assure

This blessing marches into your home
And settles deep into the contours of your furniture
Takes a seat at the breakfast table
Wraps itself in a swaddle blanket

This blessing swings and slides, skates and scooters
Navigates the roads and school pick up lines

This blessing weaves into your words typed in the dark of night
Scribbled in journals, receipts and notepads
Found amid endless google docs and every to-do list
In book ideas, essay themes and freewrites
This blessing snaps along with every picture taken
And film developed
It’s in every marker and paint brush
and splash of color

Turn your face to the sun
To the sound of birds beginning their song once again
To renewal and hope
To the first green sprout
And let this blessing wash over you

This blessing is yours
Made to make you feel safe, known
Encouraged and loved
This blessing will fight for you
It is within every breath you take
every step you take

This blessing’s words are written upon your heart:
You are a gift
You are strong
You are brave
You are worthy
You are loved

Rest in this blessing
Take deep breaths
And feel the love that pulsates through your every move.


Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is an ELCA pastor, mother, and writer living in Central Missouri. If you’d like to read more from Kim, you can sign up for her monthly newsletter, Walk and Talk here. As a gift to her readers and subscribers who sign up, she has a free downloadable resource: Walk and Talk with God: Reflection, Scripture references, and a how-to for your own contemplative walk.

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