Speaking to the Soul: Editor Rob Gieselmann’s farewell
Our gifted writers have shared with love and vulnerability their struggles and victories.
Our gifted writers have shared with love and vulnerability their struggles and victories.
Dear friends in Christ – it’s been a privilege to share the Daily Office with you.
Thank you, friends, for walking with me on my spiritual journey. You also have inspired me.
Website and earlier versions of Journal and Cafe brought news, features and inspirational writing to Episcopalians for more than a decade.
Thank you, dear readers, and may you always wonder and dream.
This article contains links for the TeaTime Theology and Faith to Go podcasts.
George Caleb Bingham’s “The Jolly Flatboatmen” shows how the ordinary contains a latent, mystical poeticism.
Charlette and David to talk gardening, ferns, and intoxicating weeds in this gospel discussion from Matthew.
In this week’s episode Charlette and David talk about our expectations and looking to how God sees us; also arithmetic.
This episode we are chatting with The Rev. Dr. Jonathan Malone from St. Luke’s East Greenwich RI about the bumper sticker “God, Guns, and Country”.
In this week’s episode Charlette and David are joined by The Rev. Shannon Kelly, The Director for the Department of Faith Formation and Officer for Young Adult and Campus Ministries for The Episcopal Church. Listen to the trio talk about our role and responsibility in authentic welcome.
The Rev. Jerry Pillay and President Cyril Ramaphose also discussed the role of the WCC and South African leaders.
All content ©2022 by the Episcopal Journal & Cafe
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Website design and management by J T Quanbeck.