The Blood that Flows

by Diana Rios

(December 2022)

Our everyday blood that peeks out

From under a small bandage on our hand,

After cutting carrots,

Blisters on our heels,

Scrapes while hiking,

Pokes from a spiny holly bush,

These are casual reminders of humanity.

The blood that flows from the cross

Feeds rivers and pushes into arteries of eternity.

It is mysteriously visible and invisible.

All are beckoned, all welcomed to take and keep

The water’s special eyeglasses, called faith.

And they who nurture that view, know

The accompanying joys and travails

That come with maintaining

Clear, focused, steady vision

on the necessary.

Contemplate and recognize a larger plan.

We have a short life span

Compared to the infinite dimensions of

Our God.

Every moment has value and worth,

More than we could ever know.


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