Speaking to the Soul: Leslie Scoopmire’s farewell

Photo/Yaron Cohen/Unsplash.com

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Photo/Yaron Cohen/Unsplash.com

By Leslie Scoopmire

Dear friends,

Eleven years ago, the late Rev. Ann Fontaine, who was an online friend and mentor, asked me to consider contributing to the Episcopal Cafe’s spiritual writing feature called Speaking to the Soul. I had just started writing a prayer a day for a daily intercessory prayer circle I had started among my friends on Facebook. I was incredibly honored by this request, and not just because my friend Maria already wrote for that feature.

When I started, I was an English and history teacher in discernment for ordained ministry. The tender discipline of writing for Speaking to the Soul has had a great formative and spiritual effect on me. This has been a blessing, and deepened my faith, as well as allowing me to be inspired by the poems, prayers, and meditations of so many wonderful people.

I will miss the Episcopal Journal, as I miss Episcopal Café, so much — the world needs more places online like this website. I give thanks for all who have worked for the Journal and Café — and for the trouble some of the readers have taken over the years to engage in reflection with me.

May the Journal rise from the ashes, and may all of you know how very grateful I am to have been a contributor in even a small way to this  endeavor.

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