Speaking to the Soul: Laurie Gudim’s farewell

By Laurie Gudim

I want to express my deep thanks to all the folks who have followed the Speaking to the Soul column over the years. Speaking to the Soul has been an important avenue for me in my spiritual formation and in finding my voice as a writer. Writing short reflections every week has allowed me to dialogue with scripture and put words to my journey in relationship with God. You’ve been witnesses to my discoveries and to (hopefully) my growth. Your warm-hearted regard and your gentle comments have been an inspiration, balm to my soul, and deeply appreciated encouragement. I will miss you.

I wish for you an ongoing curiosity and a joyful openness to the abundance of God’s creation. May you find new venues to nourish your hearts as you continue to explore, to learn, and to grow. May you always find time and quiet for reflection. May you always wonder and dream. And may God’s blessing go with you always, everywhere you roam.

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