Some days are like that …

The other day my preschooler said he didn’t want to go to school. He’d had fun the other days. But this morning he kept telling me he didn’t want to go. I walked him into the school to meet his teacher. Staying behind me, his hand in mine, we met his teacher who simply said, “Some days are like that.” 

Yes, some days are like that. They are full of tears and uncertainty. They’re full of feelings and emotions we can’t quite name but we know are there. Some days are hard to find the spark of joy and some days we’d rather stay home. There are some days we wonder if we have friends and some days we wonder how to be a friend. There are some days the motivation isn’t present. 

But then, on those days we’re reminded in a kind voice, “Some days are like that.” 

And with that one sentence, with that acknowledgement, we know we’re not alone. 

So however you’re feeling today and in the days to come, trust that some days are like that. And you are very loved. 

Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is a mother, writer, and pastor living in Central Missouri with her family. She’s the coauthor of The Beauty of Motherhood: Grace-Filled Devotions for the Early Years (March 2023). You can read more at her website: If you’d like to read more from Kim, you can sign up for her monthly newsletter, Walk and Talk here. As a gift to her readers and subscribers who sign up, she has a free downloadable resource: Walk and Talk with God: Reflection, Scripture references, and a how-to for your own contemplative walk.

Sign up for my monthly newsletter, Walk and Talk, and receive a free, downloadable resource: Walk and Talk with God: Reflection, Scripture references, and a how-to for your own contemplative walk.

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