Sit in silence

I sit in silence.
Body comfortable; hands relaxed; eyes closed.

I sit in silence and breathe.
Mind quieting; soul settling; heart easing.

I sit in silence and breathe with God.
God in the in-between.

God in the moment between inhale and exhale.
God in the hint of light alluding the eyelids.
God in the mouth closed, but lips slightly parted.
God in the wandering mind gently returning to stillness.

I sit in silence and breathe with God.
God in the in-between.

In expansive openness;
In faith and trust;
In the whisper of the Spirit present, but perhaps unknown;
In wonder of the invitation.

I sit in silence and breathe.
Listening, returning; loving.

I sit in God.

Karla Koon serves in ministry at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, in the Greenlake neighborhood of Seattle. When not serving at church or working for Catholic Community Services of Western Washington (Catholic Charities), you can find Karla, reading, quilting, golfing, hiking, kayaking, and gathering with friends and family.

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