Three members of ACNA’s Provincial Response Team have resigned in protest. The PRT had been appointed to address sexual abuse cases, and the mishandling of those cases, in the Anglican Church of North America. In their resignation letter, the three cite broken promises and mishandling of the cases, breach of trust and a concern for ACNA rather than the survivors. ACNA is a breakaway from the Episcopal Church over issues of sexuality.
The letter can be read here.
Friday ACNA announced it hired a firm to investigate the allegations of sexual misconduct. Survivors and allies expressed their objections to that selection here and here, for instance.
To put this in perspective: if I’m reading this correctly, there are 8 people on the PRT—4 women, 4 men. 3 of the 4 women resigned. This absolutely warrants a response from the @The_ACNA.
— Madison N. Pierce (@MadisonPierce) January 18, 2022
As a priest in @The_ACNA, I am grieved & deeply disappointed by the way this is being handled by ACNA leadership. These resignations are courageous and shine further light on what appears a profoundly toxic process that is unacceptable for any Christian community.
— Jordan Warner (@jordanmwarner) January 18, 2022
"Imagine being sexually or physically abused. Then imagine people in power downplaying it, ignoring it, dismissing it. Then imagine people who have more power claiming to finally take it seriously only to reopen the wound & douse it with salt."
This is #ACNAtoo. ? Also #SBCtoo.
— Christa Brown (@ChristaBrown777) January 18, 2022
As a priest in @The_ACNA, this feels morally gut-wrenching and deeply embarrassing.
I see no way to ignore this as symptomatic of much deeper issues in our provincial DNA & leadership.
— JR Rozko (@jrrozko) January 18, 2022
Earlier coverage: