Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s revival sermon starts off ‘It’s All About Love’ festival

Presiding Bishop Curry preaches at the It’s All About Love festival.

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Presiding Bishop Curry preaches at the It’s All About Love festival. Photo/ENS

By Shireen Korkzan

Episcopal News Service

If you want to know God, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry said, start with love. “Let love help you heal old wounds; let love lead and you’ll find life as God intended because love is God’s GPS,” Curry said in a July 9 sermon at the opening revival worship service of the “It’s All About Love” festival.

Love “is God’s global positioning satellite that will lead you to the heart of God, the heart of the world, the heart of yourself.”

Hundreds of Episcopalians from all nine of the Episcopal Church’s provinces are gathered July 9-12 at the Baltimore Convention Center for the churchwide festival of worship, learning, community and action.

The festival, whose sponsors include the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, Virginia Theological Seminary and Episcopal News Service, features more than 90 unique presentations, workshops and plenaries organized around themes of evangelism, racial reconciliation and creation care.

During his sermon, Curry also mentioned the 13-minute sermon about the power of love that he delivered during the 2018 wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Many people reached out to him after the wedding, he said, unaware that Christianity is “all about love” until they heard his sermon, which was viewed by millions of people globally.

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