“There is a theology in prepositions…”— Rev. Canon Graham Ward, How the Light Gets In: Ethical Life I
Remain strong, O faithful, O seekers
with all the strength
from Christ’s glorious power,
with patience,
giving thanks
to the Father
sharing the inheritance
of the saints
in the light.
God rescued us
from the power
of darkness
into the kingdom
of God’s beloved Son
in whom
we have redemption, the forgiveness
of sins.
Jesus is the image
of the invisible God
of all Creation-
in him
all things
in heaven
on earth
were created
through Jesus
for Jesus.
Jesus himself is
before all things;
all things hold together
through Jesus.
of the body,
of the Church;
Jesus, the beginning,
from the dead;
in everything.
The fullness
of God
is pleased
to dwell
in Jesus.
God is pleased
to reconcile
to Godself
all things
in heaven
on earth
by making peace
through the blood
of Jesus’s cross.
This is how we remain faithful,
awaiting God-
by whom
in whom
through whom
we live and move and have our being,
revealing God’s love, longing, redemption,
seeking us-
and love
without end.