Philadelphia cathedral hosts “Let Us Remember” art exhibit

The Ancestors Spoke, 2021 photograph by John E. Dowell

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The Ancestors Spoke, 2021 photograph by John E. Dowell

Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral is hosting an exhibition of new works by printmaker, painter and photographer John E. Dowell, titled “Let Us Remember,” running until Feb. 26.

Dowell is a Philadelphia native, a Philadelphia Cathedral member and Professor Emeritus of Printmaking at the Tyler School of Art at Temple University. 

In addition, a new multi-media song cycle, “Cotton,” will be presented at the cathedral on Feb. 25, featuring Metropolitan Opera stars Denyce Graves and Justin Austin. Presented by the voice recital series LyricFest, the work gathered inspiration from and features Dowell’s photographs of the world of the cotton industry, informed by slavery and African-American survival strategies.

The Proper Headstone 2021

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The Proper Headstone, 2021 photograph by John E. Dowell

In the booklet accompanying the show, Dowell wrote: “Let us remember the shoulders we stood and stand on. We must give thanks and stop longing for what we did not receive but reflect on the blessings we have acquired. Please, give thanks and show appreciation for our ancestors near and far, for the foundation we did receive, because without it, how could we be? So take a few moments for love, respect, and an appreciation for life.”

The booklet also noted that Dowell’s fine art prints, paintings and photographs have been featured in more than 50 one-person exhibitions, and represented in the permanent collections of 70 museum and public collections.

Angels are Coming , 2017

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Angels are Coming, 2017 photograph by John E. Dowell

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