Oregon cathedral arts show inspired by pandemic challenges

“Magnificent Dream” by Julia Armstrong Peltz is in the Trinity Cathedral art show. Photo/Trinity Cathedral

Artists from across the Diocese of Oregon are represented in the latest exhibit sponsored by the arts program at Trinity Cathedral in Portland, Ore. Titled “Chrysalis: Spreading Our Wings,” the exhibit runs to Feb. 5.

“Chrysalis is an apt title for an exhibition that marks the end of the darkest days of the pandemic: a chance to share new works of art, most seen here in public for the first time. The overarching theme that connects these paintings, photographs, textiles, and mixed media compositions is a sense of growth and an openness to experimentation,” said Prudence Roberts, former curator for the Portland Art Museum and juror for the exhibit.

The show’s description said that its theme was inspired by the many changes and challenges of the last two years. Viewers are invited to see how the pandemic has influenced the creators and their creations. 

“The artists in this show have reflected and learned over the past months. Sometimes their techniques have changed, sometimes they have embraced a new color palette or explored a different subject. Some bring years of experience to their work, while others are just spreading their wings and discovering their voices,” Roberts said.

The mixed-media art selected for the poster is “Magnificent Dream” by Julia Armstrong Peltz.

Trinity’s arts program is designed to enrich the congregation and the greater community by gathering and using the artistic gifts of members and friends to enhance spiritual development and service to others. The arts committee presents a year-round program of exhibits, offers classes for all ages and hosts special workshops and events.

Other exhibits this year included:

— Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts: Exhibition of work from the institute, located in the Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation in the foothills of Oregon’s Blue Mountains.

— Austin Granger: This photographer views his work as a spiritual practice.

— Quest for Spirit: An exhibit of the North American branch of the International Chinese Calligraphy and Ink Painting Society.

— Quilts for Empowerment: An exhibition of quilts made by African women, offered for sale in order to benefit Quilts for Empowerment, an Oregon nonprofit.

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