Nearly three years into the pandemic, congregations continue to face challenges in fully resuming traditional Christmas celebrations. In 2020, many refrained from in-person worship, and in 2021, they adjusted Christmas plans during the omicron variant outbreak. This year, pandemic concerns have eased, though COVID-19 case counts are rising again along with outbreaks of influenza and the respiratory virus known as RSV, according to Episcopal News Service.
Throughout all this uncertainty, there has been at least one reassuring constant at Christmas: Online options have never been more plentiful.
Episcopalians all over the world can view livestreamed and pre-recorded Christmas services and celebrations from congregations of all sizes, from Washington National Cathedral in the U.S. capital to Trinity Episcopal Church in Bethlehem, Pa.
Be sure to check online for additional virtual services hosted by local congregations.
For more information, including a list of notable online services and resources, click here.