Online art exhibit explores the ‘promises’ of salvation

Portrait of Joseph the Worker, by Nathan Fan. Photo/CIVA

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Portrait of Joseph the Worker, by Nathan Fan. Image/CIVA

The latest exhibit at Christians in Visual Arts, carries the theme “Promises,” and refers to the mystery of salvation. It may be viewed through Jan. 7, 2023.

“The person of Jesus Christ presents an ultimate paradox nestled at the heart of Christian faith. The unbounded logos, only begotten of the Father, condescends to take on flesh. The Incarnation, announced first to the Virgin Mary, at once looks forward to Christ’s saving deeds, while simultaneously fulfilling prophecies of the deep past. Prophecies fulfilled are promises kept,” noted James Anno, the exhibit’s juror.

Fifteen artworks express the theme in ways unique to each object. “The driving criteria that inform my selections are a diversity of media, modes of expression, and aesthetic excellence. Painting and sculpture, both figurative and abstract, are accompanied by works on paper, photography, and time-based media,” wrote Anno, who is associate curator of European art at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

For more information and to view the exhibit, click here.

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