Monastic brothers delve into Lord’s Prayer for Lent

The brothers at the Society of Saint John the Evangelist announced that for Lent 2023, they are sharing a special issue of Cowley magazine that dives deeply into one of the treasures of the Christian tradition: the Lord’s Prayer.

With a mix of reflections written by Brothers and meditation prompts for the reader to answer, the resource aims to deepen individual prayer lives or to share in a group.

“We hope you’ll join us in reflecting on the prayer that Jesus taught, and experience firsthand its power to make us real,” wrote SSJE on its website.

“If your primary experience with this prayer is in corporate worship, perhaps you will find it helpful in these pages to take some time to reconnect with it, line by line, word by word. This Cowley issue invites us to slow down. As we move through the prayer, we invite you to take in each word and phrase, to lovingly abide with it, and allow it to once more shine light on your path,” wrote Br. Todd Blackham.

SSJE is a monastic community of men based in Cambridge, Mass., also maintaining guesthouses in Cambridge and West Newbury, Mass.

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