Meditation and Prayer: Awaiting the Nativity offered by Terence Aditon

As the days advance to the arrival of any baby, there is both joy and trepidation, a new blessed being, emerging from labor, and love. So with Advent, awaiting the Birth that marks another beginning for the world.

It is mortal pain that brings forth the Christ child from Mary’s body. His mortal life begun as any babe’s, wrenched away from the warm ocean of the womb to the cold air of earthly life. The Child lifted from the Mother, a sign that this most precious Life will end in being lifted on the Cross, and lifting us up, with Him, to the hope of heaven.

And thus, words for that Babe, as His body comes into the world, may we be re-created:

Let my heart be a door
Always open to You,
Always closed to sin and hatred.
This body, this temple of Your Spirit,
May its rooms hold joy in your Great Presence,
May its corridors lead always to Your Light.

May the music in the halls of self be songs of Angel-Praise,
Air flowered by Your Holy sweetness.
May the sadnesses of life find rest here,
Holding fast to Your God-Will.
May Your ways prevail against all storms,
Of unbelief, or doubt, or loss of faith,
Against presumption, living always
In that great tide of souls suffused,
Surrounded, by the wonder of Your Peace,
To dwell with them, God-Compassed.

These thoughts, so poor in trying to describe
The things seen by the heart, beyond our words,
And only love remains, endures, enfolds us,
Exceeding any prayer.

Thus, Advent.

And Amen.

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