January Garden Report

January Garden Report: At first glance, there doesn’t seem to be much growth. The air is cold and the sun’s light is scant these days. Plenty of nights have dipped below freezing. The last weed was picked in early fall, and nothing else has grown. Today we dumped compost and manure on the garden. A drop of a shovel here, and a prayer for the months to come. The winter days provide rest for the ground, nutrients seeping into the earth, and the trust that all that is unseen will bear fruit in the seasons to come.

January Heart Report: At first glance, there doesn’t seem to be any growth. The cold temperatures and lack of sun don’t provide much motivation. There’s weariness from sickness, uncertainty, and a constant vigilance against a seemingly unending pandemic. Yet, the longer nights offer rest, a candle’s light, the comfort of a blanket, and moments of simply being. There are journals filled with prayers and moments of God’s presence. The early mornings are met with hot coffee, cheers from the kids, and God’s word to comfort and inspire. Hope, peace, and joy seep into my body, and I, too, trust that all that is unseen will bear fruit in the seasons to come.

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