God’s Masterpiece

God’s Masterpiece

Many afternoons the light pours through our living room window cascading rainbows on our carpet, walls, and dining room table. During the after school – before dinner – hours (when everyone is tired, hungry, and could use a nap) we either take a walk or do some creating. As I’ve shared before my kids love to create – painting, coloring, cutting paper, tracing, or sculpting play-doh. One afternoon at the table with paper and pencils scattered and brushes of paint ready I overhear my son Isaac telling his sister, “Come on Charlotte, let’s make our masterpieces.”

“Let’s make our masterpieces.”

Isaac grips a marker with his left hand making a truck with a crane on top to do its important work. Charlotte starts with a rainbow and ice cream cones. They fill up sheet after sheet and soon hunt for the tape so they can hang their masterpieces in our hallway. Kids have an innate sense that what they create is good – and worthy to be seen. Before even the first stroke of the marker, my kids know that they can and will create a masterpiece. What a great reminder – creating in and of itself is the gift, the masterpiece. And so are we.

Because here’s the truth: we are all God’s masterpieces. We have been created in love to love and to be loved. There’s nothing we have to do or be – only rest in the name God places on us, beloved child of God. Clothed with this knowledge, basking in this love, go out and see the world in all its infinite beauty and goodness. Go out and dream, create, and splash beauty and hope across all you meet.

This month I’m taking a cue once again from my children to believe in my gifts and to see the world through this lens of being God’s masterpiece; and to trust the gifts that I bring to the world.

Friends, I hope God’s claim on your life seeps deep into your bones. Be bold and brave, witness the vivid colors in your life. Write, dream, paint, cook, knit, and do the creative work only you can do. Our world is better and brighter thanks to the work you pour into it.

// This piece was originally shared in the author’s monthly newsletter. If you’d like to read more, you can sign up for my monthly newsletter, Walk and Talk here. As a gift to my readers and subscribers who sign up, I have a free downloadable resource: Walk and Talk with God: Reflection, Scripture references, and a how-to for your own contemplative walk.


Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is an ordained ELCA pastor, mother of two, and spouse of an ELCA pastor. She lives with her family in Cole Camp, MO. You can read more at her website, follow her work on Facebook, or sign up for her monthly newsletter.


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