For the third year, the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ) have posted an online Holy Land Advent Calendar as a devotional resource.
This year, Advent begins on Sunday, Nov. 27 and ends on Saturday, Dec. 24. The AFEDJ calendar opens on Dec. 1. It is the season of preparation in advance of the celebration of the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day, Dec. 25.
The Advent calendar offers a glimpse into the lives of Holy Land Christians, inviting visitors to learn about the Christian witness of the current-day followers of Jesus in the place where he was born, lived, and ministered.
The calendar dates provide a look at the humanitarian ministries of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem in the West Bank, Gaza, Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon.
On some days, the visitor might open a door to a brief video that features a greeting from a bright student at a diocesan school, said AFEDJ in a news release. On other days, the visitor might encounter a friend of the diocesan ministries sharing thoughts on the witness of the indigenous Christians – the living stones – of the Holy Land.
AFEDJ shared a sneak peek at one video that will be behind one of the doors between Dec. 1 and Dec. 24: https://youtu.be/ODsVs34eGqM
Viewers may visit the calendar each day during Advent or sign up to receive a daily email alert.
AFEDJ is a nonpolitical, nonsectarian 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to transforming lives of the vulnerable and displaced in the Middle East through support of the schools, hospitals, and centers for children with disabilities that are owned and operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem in Palestine, Jordan, Israel, Syria and Lebanon.