Episcopal relief agency is supporting partners in the Caribbean after Hurricane Fiona

Created by FleurDeOdile using WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks, with background image from NASA and tracking data from NHC.

Episcopal Relief & Development reported that it is in contact with Episcopal and Anglican partners in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Bahamas and Turks and Caicos in response to Hurricane Fiona.

The storm made landfall in Puerto Rico on Sept. 18 as a Category 1 hurricane. Almost 30 inches of rain caused flooding that killed at least one person and left over 1,000 people in need of rescue in addition to leaving the entire island without power. In the Dominican Republic, 90 m.p.h wind and rain caused mudslides, shuttered resorts and damaged highways, the agency reported.

The storm strengthened into a Category 3, and headed for Turks and Caicos and the Bahamas.

“Our partners are preparing for and assessing the needs in their communities while dealing with continued rain and flooding created by Hurricane Fiona,” said Angel Venegas, Program Officer of the agency’s U.S. Disaster Program. “We stand ready to assist in the coming days and weeks.”

The relief and development agency asked for prayers for the people impacted by the storms. Donations to its Hurricane Relief Fund will support Episcopal Relief & Development and its partners as they respond.

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