As Election Day (Tuesday, Nov. 8) approaches, multiple Episcopal churches and churchwide offices are encouraging nonpartisan engagement in the electoral process in a variety of ways, from volunteering with local voter registration efforts to participating in a churchwide call to prayer on election night, Episcopal News Service reports.
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and House of Deputies President Julia Ayala Harris will be among the featured guests in the Nov. 8 prayer event, which will be livestreamed from 8 p.m. to midnight Eastern on the church’s Facebook page. The event is hosted by the church’s Washington, D.C.-based Office of Government Relations.
“We welcome everyone as we reflect on this key process of our common life and on the importance of fair elections for our democracy,” Rebecca Linder Blachly, director of the Office of Government Relations, said in a recent news release announcing the event. “We hope many voters will join us that day to pray for our leaders, neighbors, and country.”
The Office of Government Relations also urges Episcopalians to “Vote Faithfully” with the help of resources outlined it its election engagement toolkit, which has been updated for these midterm elections, ENS notes.
To read more about election engagement, click here.
The Episcopal Public Policy Network, on its Facebook page, notes that Episcopalians may wish to use the sticker reading “I’m Episcopalian and I voted!” with the hashtag #votefaithfully.
The Episcopal Church’s advocacy office seeks to shape and influence U.S. policy and legislation while representing the positions of the church.