Diocese of Albany will comply with B012

The Standing Committee of the Diocese of Albany, ecclesiastical authority of the diocese says it will comply with the 2018 General Convention Resolution B012. B012 includes the marriage equality resolve,

Resolved, That under the canonical direction of the Rector or Member of the Clergy in charge and where permitted to do so by civil law, provision will be made for all couples desiring to use these marriage liturgies in their local congregation or worshipping community, provided that nothing in this Resolve narrows the authority of the Rector or Priest-in-Charge

The Diocese of Albany was the remaining holdout to B012.

The Standing Committee made it plain it is complying while disagreeing with B012:

[O]ur Standing Committee as a body, in the words of General Convention Resolution 2018-B012, “holds a theological position that does not embrace marriage for same-sex couples.”
Therefore, in this interim period before the election and consecration of our next bishop, in order to comply with Resolution 2018-B012, we direct all clergy who desire to use such rites for same-sex couples, with the advice and input of the congregation’s Vestry, to contact our Assisting Bishop to work out on our behalf the details of a Letter of Agreement for supplemental episcopal pastoral support.
We pledge ourselves to work with one another in a spirit of mutual respect in the midst of“theological diversity in regard to matters of human sexuality” (Resolution 2018-B012).

Episcopal News Service has an excellent article covering this announcement and the background.

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