Church leaders to host online prayer service on election night

As polls begin to close on Nov. 8 for the U.S. midterm elections, all are invited to join an Election Day Prayers gathering online hosted by The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations.

Tune in from 8 p.m. to midnight EST via The Episcopal Public Policy Network Facebook page or The Episcopal Church Facebook page. Viewers do not need a Facebook profile to participate.

At the top of each hour, special guests from around the church will offer 10-15 minutes of reflection and prayer. Participants are encouraged to engage in prayerful conversation in the comments. The gathering will also feature simple video feeds from parishes throughout the U.S.

Scheduled guests include Presiding Bishop Michael Curry; House of Deputies President Julia Ayala Harris; the Rev. Charles Graves IV, missioner for Houston Canterbury; the Rev. Donna Gleaves, an Episcopal Public Policy Network ambassador; and Willis H.A. Moore, an Episcopal Election Activator.

“We welcome everyone as we reflect on this key process of our common life and on the importance of fair elections for our democracy,” said Rebecca Linder Blachly, director of the Office of Government Relations. “We hope many voters will join us that day to pray for our leaders, neighbors, and country.”

The Office of Government Relations offers a 2022 Vote Faithfully Midterm Election Engagement Toolkit and other resources for parishes interested in voter advocacy. Learn more.

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