Church Bodies

by Josh Huber

Somebody left a pair of nearly new Peloton shoes behind the church; left three squat bullet holes in a splintered window; left a black bike with no brakes; left our dumpsters out of place; left a blue sweater; left a dress; left a t-shirt; left a blanket; left a sleeping bag; left a flattened box; left a desk chair; left a cigarette butt; left a plastic bag; left an empty applesauce cup; left a full poop; left a mostly empty fifth; left a broken bottle; left a used toothbrush; left a sack of clothes; left the water running; left the oven on; left a toilet unflushed; left without a trace; left. 

Somebody forgot to ring the church bell; forgot to unlock the narthex door; forgot the camera could see them; forgot their bright red sports car in the rector’s spot; forgot their moving truck all night in the parking lot; forgot to update the liturgy; forgot to say a certain prayer; forgot the holy water; forgot to light the candles; forgot to change the date; forgot to come; forgot to go; forgot to sign up; forgot they signed up; forgot their pledge; forgot their phone; forgot they were scheduled; forgot the response; forgot the name; forgot to say goodbye; forgot the saint whose day it was; forgot the time; forgot the reason why; forgot. 

Somebody can’t sing, can’t read, can’t land this sermon, can’t understand, can’t help, can’t do anything about it, can’t manage the stairs, can’t get the elevator to work, can’t light the oven, can’t help but notice, can’t stand the stained glass, can’t stomach the liturgy, can’t hear the preacher, can’t come, can’t go, can’t live, can’t die, can’t make the memorial, can’t give anymore, can’t stay, can’t leave, can’t remember, can’t forget, can’t. 


Somebody loves us all. 

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