
Communion and clergyman.

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Episcopal diocese criticizes RC diocese over policy regarding trans persons

We, the leadership of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan, are saddened by the news that the Roman Catholic Diocese of Marquette has called upon its clergy to withhold baptism and other sacraments from persons who are Trans, Transgender and Non-Binary

Tensions arise between cathedral and bishop over an ordinand’s “theological views”

“As part of the agreement between the Advent and the diocese, the Advent has a seat on the Commission on Ministry but has not yet offered anyone to fill that place…. This was not the first time that someone with a theological expression different from the Advent has been ordained in our diocese and at the Advent.” – Bishop Glenda Curry, Diocese of Alabama.

Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old man from Brunswick, Ga., was shot and killed Feb. 23 but it was only after the release of a video of the incident May 5 that Gregory McMichael and his son Travis McMichael were charged in the killing. Family photo courtesy of Twitter.

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Episcopal and Lutheran bishops in Georgia respond to the verdict in the McMichaels-Bryan trial

The three men who are now convicted of crimes were initially shielded from facing their accusers in court. Until we can bring equity to the system that initially protected them, the rest of us will not have done what we can to create the just society for which we long.