
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

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Curry offers prayers upon the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

The presiding bishop said that “as followers of Jesus, we know that death does not have the final word.”

Middler camp at the Chi Rho is seen on the shores of Mission Lake at Waypost Camp.

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Wisconsin dioceses launch cooperative ministry

The Wisconsin dioceses of Fond du Lac and Milwaukee announced a new cooperative ministry to provide a joint summer camp and youth ministry resource person for diocesan congregations.

Eden Fizz to Go

by Josh Huber This morning a possible malignancy, so, instead of the daily coffee, my mug’s packed with pomegranate seeds freshly unhusked floating in chilled soda water. Why not? I’m an adult: I can make the drinks I really want. And I want something bright and sweet and tart, that pops. I want floating gems …

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