Category: Speaking to the Soul

Weight of the World: Jesus, Woe, Worry and Lent

“The worried, struggling Jesus of Lent, is one to whom we can relate, especially now. Like Jesus in Gethsemane, we pray for an end to ever-mutating covid and avoidance of war on an unprecedented scale — requests which may be unfulfilled.”

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At the Feet of Love

“So the scene of Mary breaking open her precious alabaster jar and pouring  nard all over Jesus’s feet is obviously a scene of great intimacy and love—extravagant, prodigal love.”

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Baryshnikov, the Cat and the Prodigal

“For as Mikhail dragged himself back from the pigs, across the gloomy barren stage, the father entered stage right and with one stride reached his son and with one arm swept that six foot man up into his arms and over his heart.”

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Being a Canvas

“I think of the spiritual director who offered group spiritual direction to the folks staying at the Mission – for free and without fanfare.  And I think of the thousands of people in Europe offering homes, supplies, money, transportation, and encouragement to the millions of refugees fleeing Ukraine.”

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God and Responsibility

“Today, I’ve been focusing on my allergies as a Lenten penance. They are the year-round kind but have been raging in the past couple of weeks. I’ve been having a sneeze-fest and have already gone through one box of Kleenex in the past few days.”

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Ubiquitous Light

“In that clever divine wisdom God has,
God chose instead
to make the DNA so ubiquitous
we can’t help 
but track it in on our shoes…”

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Mary’s Word

“She appeared again
as I was spinning flax into thread–
poppies nodding at her feet,
the lilies this time an offering
shoulders shadowed
beneath star-flecked wings 
flexed half-open, ready to depart or remain
at my response.”

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Someone to Watch over Me

“Somehow in this universe of religion, we like to think of ourselves as God-Seekers, that we ourselves choose to look for God in order to find grace, like Mary in the garden looking for Jesus. Only, Jesus found Mary, and not the other way around.”

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Let my Heart be Good Soil

“There were no trucks in the original bible story, yet, Isaac heard ‘seeds’ and used his imagination to bring the bible story to life for him. He was listening, and I was watching and learning from him, too.”

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