Category: Speaking to the Soul

Time for New Ventures

“In the days and months ahead this is the image I want to hold close, and one I share with you: God’s people bound together not by anything we have done but by who we are as God’s beloved children. We are loved and basking in the light of the risen Christ, now and forever more. Amen.”

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Earth, Turtles and the Feast Day of St. Mark

” That fishing buddy of Jesus’s was a man who became committed like our turtles, to depositing his clutch, determined that his story of Jesus would live on forever and in doing so saving the world, just like the Loggerhead.”

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Thomas the Apostle to India

“I am in sympathy with the more ancient church, even though their doctrines and practices are foreign to me in many ways.  There is something quite compelling about a church whose roots reach deeply and uniquely through both Indian and Palestinian history.”

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Mockingbird and the Spirit

“Maybe I should try to be as conscious of the Spirit as I am the annoying bird. Whether the Spirit is trying to move me away from something or toward something else, I need to pay attention. It’s as simple–and as complicated—as that.”

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Prayer for Easter Thursday

“Spirit of Peace, spread the wings of your redemption and grace over all who call upon You our exalted Lord,our Loving Shepherd, as we pray.”

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Paying Attention

“…Jesus in jeans as the sower, a menorah as Jesus’ family tree, a double helix incorporated into Jesus’ lineage, pieces of the illuminations breaking the boundary of the art…”

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Re-Wondering the World

“On Earth Day this year (Friday), why not consider celebrating God’s good creation with a walk on which you try to name each plant and tree that you pass – not with the generic name of its species but with specific names that describe its beauty and its glory?”

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How Will I Recognize?

“This makes me ponder what we call the Easter moment.  In all our Easters isn’t there that element of the unexpected?  Perhaps it is that I wanted to be reinstated to a position from which I’d been wrongfully dismissed.  Instead, a new job comes along, one closer to my particular skill set.  Or my house burned down and I prayed for the money to rebuild.”

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Holy Saturday and the Harrowing of Hell

“As Archbishop Cranmer said, we don’t know whether the Harrowing of Hell is real, literal, corporal, spiritual, or figurative. What matters is that where there is evil, it is our job to set people free from it. Jesus did that with his resurrection, and we must try to do it before we pass into whatever God has planned for us.”

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Beauty Broken Open

“Then he handed me a hammer. I was confused when he told me to put the rock on the work bench and hit it. But eventually I realized he was serious and did as I was told, not too hard. After a couple of whacks, the thing cracked, and he gave one more expert tap and the orb cracked open.”

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