Subversive Undercroft #248: Let Your Yes be Yes
Saints and sinners plus we dig into the parable of the two sons from Matthew
Saints and sinners plus we dig into the parable of the two sons from Matthew
We’re talking red doors and the parable of the mustard seed
The story of Jesus teaching the disciples how important it is to make preparations for discipleship and what it means for our lives today
Lisa risks heat stroke to complete the episode where we learn the proper (actually over-the-top) way to hear a sermon and then we talk about three of Jesus’s short parable about prioritizing our commitment to follow in His path.
For this special edition Faith To Go formation team members David Tremaine and Charlette Preslar welcome back former co-host Maya Little-Saña and hear from former podcast guests who sent in God sightings, reflections on Faith To Go’s 250th episode, and points for this week’s story of Jesus telling the disciples that he came not to bring peace, but division.
We talk dogs and our ancestry before Jon get stumped and then we talk about the Parable of the Sower. check it out!
Drew inhales the stench of gratitude Joe tells knock-knock jokes. And they try to sort out a disagreement they’ve had since the start of the
Special guest the Rev. Daniel McMillan joins to discuss the story of Jesus casting out demons from the Gerasene demoniac and what it means for our lives today
Teen fandom, the “proper” way to sing a hymn, plus we look at #416 from Hymnal ’82; For the Beauty of the Earth.
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