Faith To Go: The Ripples of Healing w/ Amy Reams
David Tremaine, Charlette Preslar, and special guest Amy Reams discuss the story of Jesus healing ten people with leprosy and what it means for our lives today
David Tremaine, Charlette Preslar, and special guest Amy Reams discuss the story of Jesus healing ten people with leprosy and what it means for our lives today
In this episode: the poet, Christina Rossetti! With 20% more bad singing.
his week Faith To Go formation team members David Tremaine and Charlette Preslar discuss Jesus’ teaching about having faith the size of a mustard seed and what it means for our lives today
We’ve decided that 250 seems like a good number and so after 5 years we’ve decided to take a break. In this episode we talk about what made this experience special for us. We’re talking about doing some special projects in the future, and when we do we’ll let you know!
This week we’re talking about the influential musical translator who did “more than any other single individual to make the rich heritage of German hymnody available to the English-speaking world.”
We remember the Queen and then move into talking about misconceptions about the Bible before getting into the parable of the wicked servant
David and Charlette discuss the parable of the rich man and the dishonest manager and what it means for our lives today.
Luci and Jordan kick off season 4 talking about the Chinese martyr Agatha Lin Zhao
Saints and sinners plus we dig into the parable of the two sons from Matthew
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