Popping Collars: Media and Journalism
A conversation about Pop Culture Portrayals of Media
A conversation about Pop Culture Portrayals of Media
We welcome Elizabeth Fitzsimons, Chief Executive Officer for Episcopal Community Services in San Diego
This week’s gospel, from the end of Year C, lands us in the middle of one bride for seven brothers as Jesus reminds us of his message of support and dignity for all God’s family.
Luci and Jordan explore the complicated story of 20th century South African martyr, Manche Masemola
This week Faith To Go formation team members David Tremaine, Charlette Preslar, and special guest Greg Tuttle discuss Jesus’ parable about the Pharisee and the tax collector praying next to each other and what it means for our spiritual lives today.
In today’s episode, Luci and Jordan talk about the Russian royal who became a nun and was eventually murdered by the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution.
This week Faith To Go formation team members David Tremaine and Charlette Preslar discuss the parable of the perseverant widow
Today’s episode is all about Lottie Moon! A somewhat controversial figure, but one whose legacy still affects Baptist missions today
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