Creation Care-Cover.indd

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As Earth Day approaches, ‘Bible Challenge’ available to focus on creation care

Earth Day, marked annually on April 22, this year carries the theme, “Invest in Our Planet” highlighting the importance of dedicating time, resources, and energy to solving climate change and other environmental issues.

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Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and Archbishop of Uppsala Martin Modéus sign a full communion agreement between The Episcopal Church and the Church of Sweden during a March 27 service held at the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity in Paris, France. They are surrounded by from left, the Rev. Margaret Rose, the Rt. Rev. Pierre W. Whalon, the Rt. Rev. Mark Edington and the Rev. Christopher Meakin. Photo: Jeremy Tackett/The Episcopal Church

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Episcopal and Swedish churches finalize full communion agreement

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and the Church of Sweden’s Archbishop Martin Modéus signed a memorandum of understanding that establishes a full-communion relationship between the two churches, reports the World Council of Churches.

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Attendees examine one of the Stations of the Cross at St. John’s. Photo/Sharon Sheridan Hausman

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New Jersey church hosts ‘Addiction & Recovery’ program

The April 1 program features a memorial to lives lost, Narcan overdose training and religious art.

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St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1918 (The Valentine, Cook Collection)

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Behind the Book: ‘Faith, Race, and the Lost Cause’

Christopher Graham’s book traces the sometimes-surprising racial history of St. Paul’s, Richmond, Va., the former “Cathedral of the Confederacy.”

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