Spirit Driven Stitching: Quilts by Posey Krakowsky
Posey Krakowsky, Episcopal Priest at Church of the Ascension, Greenwich Village has a show of quilts at Church of the Heavenly Rest, 1085 Fifth Avenue at 90th Street
Posey Krakowsky, Episcopal Priest at Church of the Ascension, Greenwich Village has a show of quilts at Church of the Heavenly Rest, 1085 Fifth Avenue at 90th Street
EJ&C Editor Jon White talks about the new EJ&C site and offers an invitation to support our mission by becoming a member
Imagine the story of Jesus told like never before-through the eyes of his enemies. In Why I Would Have Killed Jesus and You Might Have Too, we meet five characters, who state their case against the Galilean prophet and messiah.
Zeesha’s Tale: A Story for Christmas and Easter
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