Presiding Bishop’s Christmas Message
The Most Rev’d Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church’s Christmas message
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The Most Rev’d Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church’s Christmas message
Two weeks ago, more than two dozen delegates to the diocese of Florida’s recent bishop election filed objections to the electoral process. This week, the Standing Committee offered an initial response to the allegations.
In a do-over election in the Diocese of Florida, the electing convention has once again chosen the Rev Charlie Holt to be the next diocesan bishop.
Launch of new Global Methodist Church effectively means that the UMC has split over LGBT+ inclusion
“We are still working to understand the immediate path forward and promise to be in communication with you as our legal team helps us determine what comes next,” said Bishop Woodliff-Stanley.
As I marveled at this, a new bird flew up and sat on the wire – only this one was facing the opposite direction. “That’s me”, I thought – the one who is always turned around, never quite facing the right way. But, in less than a second, that bird hopped up, turned around, and landed on the wire facing the same direction as the rest of the birds. Soon, another bird arrived, and then another, and the same thing happened each time: the bird landed facing the wrong direction, hopped up, and turned around.
The Diocese of Virginia has announced a slate of four nominees for Bishop of Virginia. Nomination by petition closes April 8. The special convention to elect the XIV Bishop of Virginia is June 4.