The Rev. Michael Barlowe, secretary of the General Convention, invites Episcopalians from across the church to apply for appointment to the various interim bodies created by General Convention. These committees, commissions, and task forces carry out the work of The Episcopal Church between conventions.
Applications are due Aug. 12, and initial appointments will be made in September by Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and President of the House of Deputies Julia Ayala Harris. The appointment process for task forces may continue through the fall as additional committees are formed.
“Serving on an interim body is a way for Episcopalians to participate in our church’s governance,” said Barlowe. “Most interim bodies are open to all members of The Episcopal Church, and we welcome and encourage applications of interest.”
During the two-year term leading up to the 81st General Convention in 2024, interim bodies will be focused on the priorities defined by General Convention. Joint Standing Commission appointments traditionally last two triennia (shortened by one year due to the delay in the 80th General Convention), while other appointments — including those to interim bodies — often last a single triennium.
The application form allows applicants to select areas of interest and identify relevant skills and experience.
Please contact the General Convention Office with questions: [email protected].