Maria Evans and her heirloom tomatoes.

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Café Features

Speaking to the Soul: Maria Evans’ farewell

Dear friends in Christ – it’s been a privilege to share the Daily Office with you.

Photo/Yaron Cohen/

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Café Features

Speaking to the Soul: Leslie Scoopmire’s farewell

Thank you, friends, for walking with me on my spiritual journey. You also have inspired me.

Photo/St. Mark’s via Facebook page | Inset/The Rev. Charlie Holt

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Café Features

Denied a miter, Holt is named rector of Jacksonville parish

The Rev. Charlie Holt announced August 11 that he has been named rector of St. Mark’s in Jacksonville, one of the largest churches in the Diocese of Florida., The Living Church reported.

From left, South African Council of Churches general secretary Bishop Malusi Mpumlwana, South African president Cyril Ramaphosa and WCC general secretary the Rev. Jerry Pillay. Photo/WCC

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Café Features

World Council of Churches general secretary meets with South African president to discuss local and global peace

The Rev. Jerry Pillay and President Cyril Ramaphose also discussed the role of the WCC and South African leaders.


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