Because love is the miracle

Looking ahead to Sunday’s Gospel – and back to a small but lovely wedding for whose bride and groom I first wrote this poem.

Love is the miracle

One says
that your first miracle
was at a wedding:
celebrating love,
astonishing, intoxicating –
the kind of stuff
to leave you
walking on air.

Love is what it takes
to make the other
miracles true:
to calm the storm,
soothe the sick,
to keep the dead alive,
to forgive and not to forget,
with heart and soul and body.

At the wedding,
at first
you said that this
was not what you
were called to do,
then, looking on
you saw the bride
and groom, love
shimmering between
and you remembered
what love is for
and that you are for
love, that
you have been for eternity;

You raised your hand
in blessing and
toasted them with wine.

Rosalind C Hughes is Rector of the Church of the Epiphany, Euclid, Ohio, and author of A Family Like Mine: Biblical Stories of Love, Loss, and Longing; and Whom Shall I Fear? Urgent Questions for Christians in an Age of Violence. This poem first appeared at

Image: The Wedding at Cana, by Giuseppe Maria Crespi, public domain, Art Institute of Chicago, via Wikimedia Commons

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