Ten years after the tragedy at Sandy Hook, with apologies to those still unconsoled, we wait still upon the Word to come; for good news to the victims of gun violence, peace on earth, and the goodwill to protect and celebrate every child of God. Amen: Come, Lord Jesus.
Nothing escapes the attention of their inquisitive and thorough beaks. Nothing extraneous will be left unconsumed. Between them, they are cleaning up.
Can I free Jesus from my old and calcified, allegorically literal, algebraic interpretation of his parable about prayer and remember that God is not worn down by my cries, nor eroded by my need, nor numb to my grief, nor impassive to my witting and unwitting, egregious, and unnecessary participation in injustice?
Did Jesus delight in the absurdity of dreamscape?
Was he ever afraid to close his eyes?
Psalm 19:2 “One day tells its tale to another, and one night imparts knowledge to another.”
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